Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

The Book of Tomorrow

This novel is really awesome. I didn't know this book is going to be about so much fantasy at first. I thought it was a romance novel. but yeaaa, still there's a bit touch of romance, a little fluffy in the end. I love it.
so the story is about Tamara, a girl who just lost her father because suicide. she moved to her uncle and aunty's house in the country. there, Tamara found a diary book in a travel library. and that book is content of Tamara's tomorrow that written by Tamara herself!!! did you get my point? but Tamara is really didn't write that entry, it just there! so Tamara can know what will happen in the future.
she tried to change some things because of the book, and it help her a lot!
the story itself is about the problem in Tamara's family. between Tamara, her almost-insane-mother, her aunty Rosaleen, and her uncle (forgot the name). I HATE ROSALEEN SO DAMN MUCH HERE! she's really mean and crrrrazy!! I love the character of Tamara here, she's so awesome and lovable :)
I cried once in this story because of the meanness of Rosaleen -____- I know how Tamara's feel at that scene(?) she must be really angry and upset. me myself, I cannot not crying if I'm really angry.
so yeaaa, this novel is incredibly awesome. and I also love Weseley, Tamara's lover :3 he's so kind and care to Tamara <3
you should read this!!!

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