Jumat, 02 November 2012

Breath In

............for awhile
finally i could relax even just for awhile.
this two weeks have been really cruel to me--to anyone who have their midterm weeks
i actually still have three midterm tests which are reading, writing, and popular culture class.
but i guess i can loosen up for a little while. appreciate my effort and works for this two bloody weeks.
but please don't think that my last two weeks were completely miserable. don't.
cause actually it was not that bad.
i cannot remember any good thing but i pass the europeonscreen volunteer interview, and i will have my final interview tomorrow (i'll immediately let you know if i pass or not)
idkw but everything seems so blurry in those weeks.
well i just want to say "fighting!" for my own self, because i still have a half semester to go.
way to go!

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